Welcome to hi.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.
As a member of our community, we’d like you to experience the best of blockchain innovation without the needless complexity or jargon. You’ll get access to a next-gen crypto exchange and mobile banking app, for savings, investments and payments. And yet, hi is not just an app. hi will act as your gateway to Web3, including wealth, social networking, entertainment and retail services, which you can experience both in the real world and the Metaverse. You’ll become a holder of our cryptocurrency - HI - which powers the hi ecosystem. You can think of it as a membership token. Just by holding HI, you’ll get benefits. Be that a free digital subscription, best rates at 5* hotels around the world, or “interest boosters” so you can earn up to 30% in APY. In contrast to financial institutions, we aim to make money for you, not off you. Transparency and security runs through our company DNA. We regularly publish a report on our website with the most important numbers relating to our token, finance and community. Most of them are also available on the blockchain. You will get to know our team. Our leaders come from global, billion-dollar companies including Crypto.com, Morgan-Stanley and Tencent. We have 100+ employees in offices across Europe and Asia. We’re always on the lookout for fresh, bright minds - come and join us. An important network of organisations contribute to our vision. We have a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) Authorisation from the business registry of Lithuania as a Virtual Currency exchange operator and Cryptocurrency depository wallet operator and four of the world’s leading blockchain and innovation funds are firmly behind us. In the true spirit of Web3, we embrace co-creation. You’ll have the opportunity to help us design and refine new products and services, and as our community matures hi will transition to a DAO, meaning that governance for the largest blockchain ecosystem in the world will be transferred to token holders.
We hope you’ll stay with us for the ride,
Let’s get hi together!
The hi Team